A powerful particle accelerator, called Large Hadron Collider, will be able to accelerate protons to 14TeV(tetraelectravolt)(1TeV= 10^12eV) of energy.
a)what is the relativistic mass of a proton that has a total energy of 14TeV? (express you answer in MeV/c^2)
to convert 14Tev into MeV I got 1.4x10^7MeV.
Etot = mrel * c^2
mrel= Etot/c^2
=1.55x10^-10 MeV/c^2
b)how many times more massive is such a proton thatn a proton at reset with respect to you, if the proton's rest mass is 1.6726x10^-27 kg = 938.3 MeV/c^2?
Would i simplily divide m_rest/m_rel
so that: 938.3 MeV/c^2 / 1.55x10^-10MeV/c^2
= 6.05x10^12
Isn't this number too large to be a reasonable answer?
c) what is the v/c of such a 14 TeV proton? keep at least 10 digits past the decimal point.
I can't find the (greek symbol of j) so that I can plug it into an equation my teacher gave us. I am really confused with this part of the question.