A population of oak trees growing in a region in Canada experiences a change in climate to much colder temperatures and much drier conditions than they have had for many decades. What determines how this population will change in the next few years?

traits of individuals in the present population

the ability of the present population to change itself

the importance of this population to the survival of other species ?

the population’s survival history during the last ten years

Two species are linked by a common ancestor. Suppose the lineages of these two species were traced back generation by generation and drawn on a sheet of paper to show how these two species were linked to the common ancestor. What shape would the resulting illustration most resemble?

a table

a blanket

a tree

a mountain ?

What did Lamarck’s and Darwin’s hypotheses about evolution have in common?

Changes taking place in an individual organism can be passed to offspring.?

Species evolve in response to their surroundings.

Individual organisms can change to adapt to changes in the environment.

Only inherited traits can be passed on to offspring.

A species of birds that eats only cactus is transported to an island that has a lot of seeds but only a small amount of cactus. What is most likely to happen to the birds?

Individual members of the population adapt to the variation of food supply at different rates.

The bird population grows rapidly because of the new food supply.

The species slowly adapts to the variation in food supply. ?

The species quickly adapts to the variation in food supply.

41 answers

This is not my field -- but I think all except the last answer are wrong.

Check your book again -- and again.
I'll check my lesson. Could you please explain why you think the first three are wrong?
1. Your answer doesn't tell how this population will change.

2. http://www.google.com/search?q=family+tree&rlz=1C1AVSX_enUS414US423&espv=210&es_sm=122&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=1E98UoLAJ8bhyQHJ2oDICQ&ved=0CF0QsAQ&biw=711&bih=453

3. http://sciencenetlinks.com/lessons/comparing-theories-lamarck-and-darwin/
My new answers:

1. B
2. C
3. B
trust me i got 100% at connexus
I just got a 3/4 from using Nicky answers and they were work the wright answers would be
Drew is 100% correct ((:
Drew is right oh and I'm a boy
thanks, I got 100% using drew answers
Thankx Drew.
Dreewww you right
Drew is right!!!
thx drew 100%
Thanks Drew I came here to check my answers and I got a 100% the
the answers are
Just took it trust me i dont lie 100% Right
Um where is the 5th answer? The question was from unit 4 lesson 1 in science 7B.
The last one is gills
not any kind a' joke here, jus' posting a song from soundcloud:
Underswap!Gokuin: DE - TERMINATION
hiya... jojo is right for 3.1.5 in connexus
^w^ MeEpS out-
1) a
2) c
3) b
4) c
100% I promise 😃😃👌🏾👌🏾
Drew is 100% right, thanks
thx drew i got 4/4
Thank you Drew!! I got 100%
Thanks I passed!!!
Thanks 100%
A C B C still correct as of 3/1/2021
A C B C is correct but for me there were five questions so I'll put the answer for the last question with this too.

1) A
2) C
3) B
4) C
5) B
This is for Unit 2 Lesson 1 in Conexus
thx Chad, he is correct i got a 100%
Thankyou chad for actually telling me the real answer. All of you that are here get a life tell the truth, where the **** is the 5th answer.
The answers are the same as chads if you go to Conexus-unit 2 lesson 1 science.
tysm chad
drew is WRONG!!!!!! i got a 0/4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@>:( is lying dont listen to her drew is 100% correct
For Lesson 1, Unit 3, Drew is 1000% correct, I just took it and got 100%
I my lie sometimes, but this isn't one of them
Props to Drew for correcting the trolls

Is right!

thx everyone!
Drew is 100% CORRECT! Also Hi LuckAnswers!
100% correct

Following Look* bye
I am fr, Ms. Sue has died from brain cancer on November 8, 2019... R.I.P., Ms.Sue, I miss her.
She is a retired teacher, she and writeacher, and bobpursly, they are all retired. please don't be mean to a dead person. that's straight sins.
I'm not a bot
I spent hours of my time here copying and pasting.
I hope you do it too, to spread the knowledge