A popular new secretary at the law firm of Farnsworth, Newman, O’Malley, Price, and Reynolds, is taken to lunch by a different one of those five men on each of her first week on the job. Each man took her to eat at a different one of these five types of food: Chinese, French, Greek, Indian, and Mexican. From the information given, determine whom she went to lunch with on each day and the type of food that they had. 1. Neither Mr. Newman nor Mr. Reynolds took her to lunch on Thursday or Friday but one took her for Chinese food and the one who took her lunch earlier than the other her for Greek food. 2. She went for a Mexican food lunch before her Indian food lunch but after her lunch with Mr. Price. 3. She had lunch with Mr. Farnsworth before her lunch with Mr. O’ Malley but after the lunch when she French food, which was not on Monday. 4. She has lunch with Mr. Newman later in the week than than the lunch when she had French food.