A poll wishes to determine how many Americans agree with the policies of the current president. Pollsters contact 5,000 voters and ask the question: "Do you approve of the president's policies?" The poll produces 1,789 yes answers and 3,211 no answers.
1) Decide if p or p-hat is the appropriate statistic to use. (NOT part of your response)
2) Find the value of the appropriate statistic. (This value IS your response)
A poll wishes to determine how many seniors agree with the late work policy. Administration contacted the 212 semiors and asked the question: "Do you approve of the current late work policy?" The poll produces 165 yes answers and 47 no answers.
1) Decide if p or p-hat is the appropriate statistic to use. (NOT part of your response)
2) Find the value of the appropriate statistic. (This value IS your response)