A point charge q1 = -2 µC is located at (-2 m, 0) and charge q2 = 3 µC is at (4 m, 3 m). Point A is (0,0) and point B is (4 m, 0). How much work would be required to move a point charge q3 = 5 µC from A
to B at constant speed?
13 answers
my fok Sam
jou kont Sam. Message vir spyker as jy die antwoord kry.
Dankie Sam
Jy is 'n yster
jk. jou kont nogsteeds
Jy sal gebliksem word seun
Isit grootseun??? Sam gaan sy gat sien
Fok julle
ek is jammer Sam ek het dit nie bedoel nie.
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha jk jou kont nogsteeds
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha jk jou kont nogsteeds
predator c
Het julle ook fokken NPHY 121
My I please be assisted with this question as well