a pioneer family plans to build a barn.they will need 12 large support posts along each side wall and 8 posts along both the front and back walls.they can cut the two posts from each tree that they chop down.How many trees should they chop down?How did you find your answer?

B) you are poling a raft up the river.you make 15 miles a day.at night while you sleep, the current pushes the raft 3 miles back downstream.if you set out on tuesday to get to a town 85 miles upriver, on which day will you arrive? show your work.

C) you need 5 quarts of oil.you have full ten-quart container.you also have a four-quart container and three-quart container ,both empty.without wasting any oil,how can you measure out exactly five quarts.show your work.

1 answer
