A piece of cobalt has a mass of 41 g and is initially electrically neutral. It is then charged with q = +0.6 µC.

(a) How many electrons were removed from the piece of cobalt in the charging process (in electron)
(b) What fraction of the total number of electrons in the piece of cobalt does the number in part (a) represent?
(removed electrons/total electrons)

1 answer

One electron is 1.67e-19 C. Divide .6e-9 by 1.67e-19 for your answer.
b) Co has an atomic number of 27 and an atomis mass of about 59. So 41 grams is about 41/59 moles. Multiply by Avagadros (6.02e23) to get total number of electrons. The get the ratio for the answer in part a