A physician performed an aspiration via thoracentesis on a patient in observation status in the hospital. The patient has advanced lung cancer with malignant pleural effusion. Later the same day, due to continued accumulation of fluid, the patient was returned to the procedure room and the same physician performed a repeat thoracentesis. what diagnosis and CPT codes would be used. do not report observation codes.?
7 answers
A physician performed an aspiration via thoracentesis on a patient in observation status in the hospital. The patient has advanced lung cancer with malignant pleural effusion. Later the same day, due to continued accumulation of fluid, the patient was returned to the procedure room and the same physician performed a repeat thoracentesis. what diagnosis and CPT codes would be used. do not report observation codes.?
the patient received preventive medicine services. the physician's fee is $150. the patient's copayment is $10 (of the $75 fee schedule). the payer reimburses the physician 80% of the $75 fee schedule.
This is what I used: 162.9 , 511.81, 32421, 32421-76
Select the codes for this observation patient discharge summary 56 year old male admitted for angioedema after taking bactrim for an ear infection the patient had mild respiratory distress and marked sweling in hands face and oropharynx the patient was given iv sterioda in er and was admitted overnight for observation the patients swelling rapidly improved by morning he had no shortness of breath and desired to go home please assign icd 9 and cpt
what are the 2 diagnosis codes
A physician performed an aspiration via thoracentesis on a patient in observation status in the hospital. The patient has advanced lung cancer with malignant pleural effusion. Later the same day, due to continued accumulation of fluid, the patient was returned to the procedure room and the same physician performed a repeat thoracentesis. what diagnosis and CPT codes would be used. do not report observation codes.?