A photograph of a dictionary page with the word vocabulary in bold is shown.
NARRATOR: Expanding your vocabulary is a lifelong journey. Several books can help you along the way.
A photograph of a dictionary page with the word dictionary in bold is shown.
NARRATOR: A dictionary lists words and their meanings. The word in boldface is the entry word.
A photograph of a dictionary page with the pronunciation and meaning of conflict in bold is shown.
NARRATOR: Beside the entry word is its pronunciation in parentheses.
The photograph shows a nonspecific page in a dictionary.
NARRATOR: The dictionary entry may also include information about the word’s history and origin.
The photograph shows a page of glossary with the word competence in bold being highlighted by a green marker.
NARRATOR: A glossary is also a list of words. Glossaries usually appear at the end of a book. They define the key vocabulary used in the book.
The photograph of a glossary page with the word schizophrenia in bold is shown.
NARRATOR: Often, words in a glossary are specific to a topic or subject area.
The photograph of a page in a thesaurus with a finger pointing to a specific line is shown.
NARRATOR: Finally, a thesaurus lists words with their synonyms and antonyms. A thesaurus can help writers find interesting and vivid words.
The photograph shows a thesaurus stacked upon a dictionary.
NARRATOR: Which resources do you use? Do you refer to a dictionary when you read? Do you scan a glossary when you read technical writing? Do you use a thesaurus to write? All of these reference materials can help you to expand your vocabulary and become a stronger reader and writer.
© 2020 Pearson Online & Blended Learning K–12 USA. All rights reserved. Summarize this and three short sentences.
7 answers
NARRATOR: Expanding your vocabulary is a lifelong journey. Several books can help you along the way.
A photograph of a dictionary page with the word dictionary in bold is shown.
NARRATOR: A dictionary lists words and their meanings. The word in boldface is the entry word.
A photograph of a dictionary page with the pronunciation and meaning of conflict in bold is shown.
NARRATOR: Beside the entry word is its pronunciation in parentheses.
The photograph shows a nonspecific page in a dictionary.
NARRATOR: The dictionary entry may also include information about the word’s history and origin.
The photograph shows a page of glossary with the word competence in bold being highlighted by a green marker.
NARRATOR: A glossary is also a list of words. Glossaries usually appear at the end of a book. They define the key vocabulary used in the book.
The photograph of a glossary page with the word schizophrenia in bold is shown.
NARRATOR: Often, words in a glossary are specific to a topic or subject area.
The photograph of a page in a thesaurus with a finger pointing to a specific line is shown.
NARRATOR: Finally, a thesaurus lists words with their synonyms and antonyms. A thesaurus can help writers find interesting and vivid words.
The photograph shows a thesaurus stacked upon a dictionary.
NARRATOR: Which resources do you use? Do you refer to a dictionary when you read? Do you scan a glossary when you read technical writing? Do you use a thesaurus to write? All of these reference materials can help you to expand your vocabulary and become a stronger reader and writer.
© 2020 Pearson Online & Blended Learning K–12 USA. All rights reserved. Summarizes in three short sentences.