A photograph of a dictionary page with the word vocabulary in bold is shown.

NARRATOR: Expanding your vocabulary is a lifelong journey. Several books can help you along the way.

A photograph of a dictionary page with the word dictionary in bold is shown.

NARRATOR: A dictionary lists words and their meanings. The word in boldface is the entry word.

A photograph of a dictionary page with the pronunciation and meaning of conflict in bold is shown.

NARRATOR: Beside the entry word is its pronunciation in parentheses.

The photograph shows a nonspecific page in a dictionary.

NARRATOR: The dictionary entry may also include information about the word’s history and origin.

The photograph shows a page of glossary with the word competence in bold being highlighted by a green marker.

NARRATOR: A glossary is also a list of words. Glossaries usually appear at the end of a book. They define the key vocabulary used in the book.

The photograph of a glossary page with the word schizophrenia in bold is shown.

NARRATOR: Often, words in a glossary are specific to a topic or subject area.

The photograph of a page in a thesaurus with a finger pointing to a specific line is shown.

NARRATOR: Finally, a thesaurus lists words with their synonyms and antonyms. A thesaurus can help writers find interesting and vivid words.

The photograph shows a thesaurus stacked upon a dictionary.

NARRATOR: Which resources do you use? Do you refer to a dictionary when you read? Do you scan a glossary when you read technical writing? Do you use a thesaurus to write? All of these reference materials can help you to expand your vocabulary and become a stronger reader and writer.

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3 answers

1. Expanding vocabulary is a lifelong journey, and there are several books that can help.
2. Dictionaries list words and their meanings, with the bold entry word being the main one.
3. Glossaries are lists of words found at the end of a book, defining key vocabulary used in that book.
No, summarize it in three short sentences
1. Dictionaries provide word meanings, with the entry word in bold.
2. Glossaries define key vocabulary at the end of a book.
3. Thesauruses help writers find synonyms and antonyms for words.