a person who wakes up after a night of binge drinking and feels nauseous and has a headache probably

Has a hangover
Has cirrhosis
Is having a blackout
Has a concussion***

12 answers

Please -- don't embarrass yourself! Look these words up in a dictionary before you post off-the-wall answers.
OK!! Sorry:(:( I will Google the words and then try again.
I now this! I looked it over and know I feel stupid!! It would be definitely definitely a!! I am sure, just to make sure am I right??
Yes, Of course, it's A. hangover.
thanks!! Sorry for me being silly.
You are welcome.
Lol ms. Sue at least when your trying to talk to someone don't push it to hard at least talk in a nicely was seriously
thank you
Wait up, Ms. Sue. How would Anonymous embarrass him/her self? We don't know the person.
Yes it is D