• part of the mixture formed a new material with different properties.
The change in color from clear to yellow indicates that a chemical reaction took place, resulting in the formation of a new material with different properties.
A person mixes two liquids together as shown in the illustration below.
Substance X (mass 150g, clear) + Substance Y (mass 150g, clear)= clear yellow this is what it looks like in the cub )( also its solid and mass 300g
The person can conclude that there was a chemical change because
• some of the mixture changed into a different state of matter.
© the total mass stayed the same after mixing the substances
• part of the mixture formed a new material with different properties.
• the temperature didn't change after the liquids were mixed
3 answers
Are you sure explain
Yes, I am sure. In a chemical reaction, substances react with each other to form new substances with different properties. In this case, the clear liquids (Substance X and Substance Y) reacted to form a clear yellow solid (the mixture), indicating that a new material with different properties was formed. The change in color is a visible sign that a chemical change occurred.