If ñm is the density of the rock with no holes, it can be compared to the actual density of the sample. Measure the volume of the rock, V and its mass, M.
V*ñm - M = missing mass due to hole(s)
= m
m/ñm = v = volume of hole(s)
v/V = fraction of sample that is holes
= (1/V)[m/ñm]
= (1/V)(V*ñm - M)/ñm
= 1 - [M/(V*ñm)]
A person got a metal rock, he knows this rock density is ρm, but he is worried that there might be a hole within the rock, how he found there is a hole or not? And how he found the fraction of the hole size to total rock size? write your experimental steps.
2 answers
how do fish use density in their lives?