Your post is hard to decipher because you didn't use punctuation (like commas) but I think you have a mixture of these three substances and you treat them SEPARATELY with NaHCO3, HCl and NaOH. I can't do flow charts on this forum and that's too much for me to do anyway. Here is the chemistry and you can put the information together is whatever form your prof wants.
Benzoic acid is a strong acid (well, not that strong but stronger than phenol). So you add HCl to the mixture and that forms the water soluble chloride with aniline. Place in a Sep funnel and separate the water layer. That contains the aniline salt .To what is left you add NaHCO3, it forms the salt with benzoic acid, use a sep funnel, the water layer contains the salt of the benzoic acid and the chloroform portion contains the other two components. Add NaOH and go through the same procedure. The phenol forms a salt with the NaHCO3 and the water layer contains that material, The anailine remains in the organic solvent. Treat the aniline extraction with NaOH to neutralize the HCl and recover the aniline. To the NaOH extraction neutralize the NaOH with HCl and recover that component. Treat the NaHCO3 extraction similarly. Actually, you don't need to go through the first extraction with HCl to recover the aniline. You can extract once with NaHCO3, a second time with NaOH, and what's left will be aniline. Post any work if you have additional questins.
A mixture of benzenoic acid aniline and phenol is dissolved in chroloform and the solution was treated with sodium hydroxide.hydrochloric acid and sodium the separation chart,identify the composition of each phase and explain the chemistry of the separatiob process
3 answers
What happens when you acidify the NaoH solution of benzoic acid with dilute HCL explain any changes in PH
I have not heard