No they are not the same. A hospital administrator is a manager who makes sure that all parts of the hospital work well together -- that the patient is cared for, gets food, medical treatment, etc. The administrator is also responsible for making sure there's enough money to run the hospital.
The medical assistant has clerical duties that help doctors or hospital administrators. Check this site.
A middle-aged patient has awoken from surgery. He begins screaming for someone to talk to him about his condition. Earlier in the day, he was told by his doctor that his surgery revealed intestinal cancer. No one has been in to see him since that conversation. The patient doesn’t understand why a hospital that is supposed to want to help and care for people would leave him alone for so long.
· Take on each of the roles below and determine how you would communicate with the ill
o Medical assistant
o Hospital administrator
o Family member (wife, mom, dad, sister, or brother)
I understand this but isn't a medical assissatant and a hospital administrator the same thing?
3 answers
After surgery, the patient is placed in intensive care, where a nurse should be available to communicate with the patient.
If he has just awakened, I don't understand how the doctor could tell him that "his surgery revealed intestinal cancer." The cancer might have been revealed by X-rays or some other non-invasive method.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
If he has just awakened, I don't understand how the doctor could tell him that "his surgery revealed intestinal cancer." The cancer might have been revealed by X-rays or some other non-invasive method.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
The patient does not understand why a hospital that is supposed to want to help and care for people would leave him alone for so long.