First balance
second balance
x=distance from left (=graduation)
A meter stick is pivoted at its 50-cm mark but does not balance because of non-uniformities in its material that cause its center of gravity to be displaced from its geometrical center. However, when masses of 150 and 200 grams are placed at the 10-cm and 75-cm marks respectively, balance is obtained. The masses are then interchanged and balance is again obtained by shifting the pivot point to the 43-cm mark. Find the mass of the meter stick and the location of its center of gravity.
I know there is going to be 2 unknowns and x+7 is the new distance from the pivot to the c of mass of the meter stick, but I am so lost as to how to put this together, please help. thanks
4 answers
diagrams help, i had these almost exactly drawn out, but i do not know how to create the equations to solve for the unknowns. thanks
First balance
second balance
third line: distance from left
x=distance from left (=graduation)
For first balance, take moments about pivot point (=50), clockwise = positive, counterwise = negative:
For second balance:
Solve for M and Mx.
Divide Mx by M to get x.
I get
x=58.75 cm from zero.
second balance
third line: distance from left
x=distance from left (=graduation)
For first balance, take moments about pivot point (=50), clockwise = positive, counterwise = negative:
For second balance:
Solve for M and Mx.
Divide Mx by M to get x.
I get
x=58.75 cm from zero.
Hw didi get ur M and Mx