A meal program accepts online payments by way of credit card. For every payment processed, the meal program charges a 2% fee to the customer in addition to their payment amount.

The table below shows payment amounts and the appropriate fees charged.

Payment Amount $ $23.50 $64.00 $
Fee Charged $0.25 $ $ $1.64

1 answer

There seems to be some information missing in the table, but based on the given information, we can figure out the fee charged for the missing payment amounts using the 2% fee rate.

To calculate the fee charged for a payment of $23.50, we can multiply the payment amount by 0.02 (2%).

Fee charged for $23.50 = $23.50 x 0.02 = $0.47

So, the correct value in the table for $23.50 payment should be $0.47.

To calculate the fee charged for a payment of $64.00, we can also multiply the payment amount by 0.02.

Fee charged for $64.00 = $64.00 x 0.02 = $1.28

So, the correct value in the table for $64.00 payment should be $1.28.

Therefore, the corrected table would be:

Payment Amount $23.50 $64.00
Fee Charged $0.47 $1.28