Here are the correct responses to the questions based on the provided information:
Which of the following statements best describes the information shown on the map?
- Most states in the South had at least two crops on which their economy relied.
Based on this excerpt from the text, how did the jailing of debtors hurt their chances of repaying their debts?
- They were unable to work.
Which of the following best summarizes the information shown in the graphic organizer?
- The Reform Movement drew on ideals of individualism, equality, and salvation.
Based on the fact that the Underground Railroad used escape routes that went throughout the South, which of the following conclusions could be made?
- There were sympathetic individuals throughout the South who helped.
What did the Second Great Awakening and the abolition movement have in common?
- Both relied on religious belief.
Who was the publisher of The Liberator?
- William Lloyd Garrison.
Which of the following was the most likely cause of the trend shown on the graph?
- the growth of industrialization and the development of factories.
What conclusion could be drawn from the fact that Millard Fillmore received 21 percent of the popular vote in the election of 1856?
- A significant number of people were hostile toward immigrants.
These answers are based on historical knowledge and interpretation of the provided text and graphics.