A loop of wire is lying flat on a tabletop. A uniform magnetic field is directed vertically UPWARDS such that it is perpendicular to the tabletop (and the loop). Beyond the edge of the table, the magnetic field is zero. Imagine that you are looking DOWN on the loop from above. Which of the following statements are true about the induced EMF in the wire loop? You will have to refer to Lenz's Law in order to determine the direction of the induced current.
True/False if the magnetic field suddenly decreases, the induced current will be in a clockwise direction
True/False if you keep the loop on the table, but pull it to the left, the induced current will be in a counter-clockwise direction
True/False if the loop suddenly grows in size, the induced current will be in a clockwise direction
True/False if you pull the loop out of the field (by sliding it off the table), the induced current will be in a clockwise direction
True/False Lenz's Law states that the induced current always leads to a magnetic field that OPPOSES the change in magnetic flux