A local radio station has asked you to participate in an expert panel discussion regarding the role of media in political and terrorism related crimes. Specifically, you have been invited to speak on how the media and modern means of sharing information quickly can help facilitate the goals of politically motivated criminals (such as groups that sponsor suicide attacks) and whether or not media is used in a similar manner by law enforcement (e.g., missing child alerts). Analyze and evaluate the media's role in publicizing criminal acts and assisting law enforcement to disseminate information. Assess how the use of the media by both groups (criminals seeking to accomplish political or social aims versus police and law enforcement) relates to our societal values of freedom of speech and free access to information. Create an outline for your discussion that you could use to effectively cover the subject during the radio broadcast.
1 answer
Once YOU have come up with an attempted write-up to YOUR assignment, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to comment on your thinking.