A light plane is travelling at 175 km/h on a bearing of N8°E in a 40 km/h wind from N80°E. Determine the plane's ground velocity using algebraic vectors.

The answer for this question is:

167 km/h , N5°W


My Work:

(a , b) = ( | r | * cosθ , | r | * sinθ )

u = (175cos82, 175sin82)
u = (24.4 , 173.3)

w = (40cos10 , 40sin10)
w = (39.4 , 6.9)

r = (24.4 + 39.4 , 6.9 + 173.3)
r = (63.8 , 180.2)

| r |^2 = 180.2^2 + 63.8^2
(sqrt)| r |^2 = (sqrt)(180.2^2 + 63.8^2)
| r | = 191 km/h

tanθ = 180.2 / 63.8
θ = 70.5

---------- What am I doing wrong? This question is so frustrating. . .

2 answers

your wind is coming from N80E so your w vector should be (-39.4,-6.9)

then │r│ = (24.4-39.4,173.3-6.9)

it works out

(BTW, I just did the same question by using the cosine law, then the sine law and got the answer much faster, but then again, it said using algebraic vectors)
V(with respect to ground) = V'(with respect to air) + v(air with respect to ground)
Write that in vector form. Call +y the N direction and +x the E direction.
Vx = V'x + vx = 175 sin 8 - 40 sin 80
Vy = V'y + vy = 175 cos 8 - 40 cos 80
The "-" signs are needed for the air speed relative to ground, since the wind is coming FROM the N 80 E direction.
Vx = -15.0
Vy = 166.4
|V| = sqrt[166.4^2 + 15^2] = 167.1 km/h
Direction is just W of N, by an amount tan^-1 15/166.4 = 5.1 degrees