a) Let f(z) = z^2 and γ(t) = 1 + it^3, t ∈ [0,1].
i) Write out the contour integral ∫γ f(z)dz as an integral with respect to t. You do not need to evaluate this integral.
ii) Evaluate the integral ∫0,1+i z^2dz
iii) What is the relationship between the integrals in (i) and (ii)? Give reasons for your answer.
b) Use Green's Theorem to evaluate the integral
∮C (5 + 10xy + y^2)dx + (6xy + 5y^2)dy
where C is the rectangle with vertices (0, 0), (0, a), (b,a) and (b, 0) traversed counterclockwise.
c) Consider the contour γR(t) = Re^it, t ∈ [0, pi]. Show that
∫γR dz/(z^2 + 4) -> 0, as R -> infinity.
2 answers
so, where do you get stuck? Surely your text discusses this topic.
just wanted solutions and maybe working out as my previous year exams papers don't come with solutions. So I cant compare to see if I got it correct or not.