A large tank is being filled from a tap delivering water at a rate of 125L/hr. If the delivery rate were increased by 25L/hr the tank would be filled 1 hour and 20 minutes sooner.

Determine the volume of the tank.

4 answers

Let the volume be V

at a rate of 125 L/h, time would be V/125 hrs
at a rate of 150 L/h, time would be V/150 hrs

V/125 - V/150 = 1 1/3 = 4/3
times 750
6V - 5V = 1000
V = 1000
But why did you times by 750?
Because when you do v/125 - v/150 = 4/3, both the bottom numbers of the fraction have to be the same and there common denominator happens to be 750.
How the haeck did you get 1 1/3