A large stone block has been loaded in the bed of a dump truck. The bed is slowly raised until it makes an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal; at this point, the block starts to slide downward. What is the coefficient of static friction between the block and the truck bed?

coefficient of static friction=

2 answers

Wt. of stone = m*g

Fp = mg*sin30=Force parallel to incline.

Fn = mg*cos30 = Normal force = Force
perpendicular to incline.

Fs = u*Fn = Force of static friction.

Fp-Fs = m*a = m*o = 0
Fp = Fs
mg*sin30 = u*mg*cos30
Divide both sides by mg:
sin30 = u*cos30
u = sin30/cos30 = 0.577 = Coefficient of static friction.
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