A ladybug crawls around the outside of a rectangle that measures 8.5 cm by 9.5 cm. The ladybug stays exactly 3.6 cm from the rectangle at all times to form a larger figure.
What is the area of the new rectangle bound by the path of the bug?
3 answers
see your painting/molding problem. same idea.
L = 3.6 + 9.5 + 3.6 = 16.7 cm.
W = 3.6 + 8.5 + 3.6 = 15.7 cm.
A = L*W = 16.7 * 15.7 = cm^2.
W = 3.6 + 8.5 + 3.6 = 15.7 cm.
A = L*W = 16.7 * 15.7 = cm^2.
A ladybug crawls around the outside of a rectangle that measures 6.5 cm by 8.5 cm. The ladybug stays exactly 3.2 cm from the rectangle at all times to form a larger figure.
What is the area of the new rectangle bound by the path of the bug?
What is the area of the new rectangle bound by the path of the bug?