A high school student (Age 16) uses his computer to record songs that he plays off the internet. The student recorded the songs off the internet usign a recoring device. He then sells the recording of music at school. He opens up a little shop were he'll put any songs onto a disc for a price. He argues sense he made the content himself and recorded it himeself that it's not against the law. He argues that it's not different from usign a recipe to make lemonade and tehn opening a lemonade stand on the streets and sellign it. Sense he made it himself but used a recipe it's ok sense he made it. He got the recipe form a book he didn't make it. Does the same concept aply? If he makes the files himself... does he have the right to sell them to people?
2 answers
You need to learn the difference between the words "since" and "sense". You misuse "sense" several times. There are many other spelling errors that are probably typos (aply, usign, form, sellign, himeself, recoring)