A heliox deep-sea diving mixture contains 2.0 g of oxygen to every 98.0 g of helium.
What is the partial pressure of oxygen when this mixture is delivered at a total pressure of 8.0 atm?
This is a new chapter were covering and i have no idea how to do this?
2 answers
What is Keplers third Law? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler%27s_laws_of_planetary_motion
Hmmmm. How did those get posted, I was working on an astronomy question.
figure moles of O2 and He in a mixture of 1000 grams.
now add them to get total moles.
partial pressure O2 =(molesO2/totalmoles)*totalpressure
figure moles of O2 and He in a mixture of 1000 grams.
now add them to get total moles.
partial pressure O2 =(molesO2/totalmoles)*totalpressure