"A growing [larger] population strained the resources of Ghana. Then, around 1050 power struggles with peoples to the north weakened Ghana and disrupted trade and farming. In 1240, the leader of a newer empire called Mali (MAH lee) attacked Ghana's last strongholds. Soon, Mali swallowed up the old empire."

Which two factors led to the downfall of The Kingdom of Ghana?

Be sure to select two! Read the excerpt above to help you!

(2 points)

Ghana was involved in conflicts with other groups
Ghana was involved in conflicts with other groups

Ghana lacked nearby water resources
Ghana lacked nearby water resources

Ghana didn't want to trade with other groups
Ghana didn't want to trade with other groups

Ghana's large population made it hard to have resources for everyone

1 answer

Ghana was involved in conflicts with other groups
Ghana's large population made it hard to have resources for everyone