A dot plot would be the best representation for this data, as it is a simple and effective way to show the frequency of each individual score.
Step-by-step description of how to create the dot plot:
Step 1: Make a number line along the bottom of a piece of graph paper, with the numbers 1 to 12 spaced evenly apart.
Step 2: Above each number on the number line, draw a small dot for each occurrence of that score in the data.
Step 3: Label the y-axis as "Frequency" and the x-axis as "Pull-up Score".
Step 4: Title the graph with "Pull-up Competition Scores" or something similar.
Step 5: Add a key if necessary to explain the meaning of the dots on the graph.
Step 6: Check for accuracy and make any necessary adjustments.
Your completed dot plot should show the frequency of each individual score for the pull-up competition data.
A group of Stan student participate in a pull-up competition that score are shown below5,4,2,4,3,12,3,4,1,4 Would a dot plot a histogram Or a box plot best represents the data shown above and the purpose of the graph is to highlight frequency of each in individual score. Provide a step-by-step Description of how you could create the craft named and partA
1 answer