a good activity for a childs cognitive development is ?
(a)listening and repeat games
(b)self help practice
(c)circle time
(d)sequencing and ordering (my answer)
according to this study unit an acceptable adult to child ratio for schools teaching five year old is?
(a)1adult to 15 children
(b)2 adults to 20 children
(my answer)
(c)3 adults to 40 children
(d)2 adults to 30 children
the national association for the education of young children (NAEYC) is an organization that?
(a)lobbies mainly on the behalf of afican american children
(b)provides early childhood education through its federal funding
(c)sets standards for preschools through its accreditation program (my answer)
(d)is primarily concerned with rights and problems of learning disable children
5 answers
I agree with your answers, although I'm not sure about the second one.
1:10 is right; therefore 2:20 is correct.
what does 1:10 mean
1 teacher for every 10 students
Now where I work their must bt 2 teacher at all times. If only child is present