the range of the shot depends on the velocity as well as the angle.
Maximum range is when the ball is hit at a 45° angle.
The range R = v^2/g sin2θ
So, the minimum velocity possible to land on the green is
215 <= v^2/9.8 = 233
By the angle, do you mean the angle at the vertex, or the angle the side makes with the base? If the base angle, then
Draw a side view of the cone. You can see that to find the radius, you just need to figure 22/r = tan35.4°
If the former, then r/22 = tan17.7°
A golfgreen is 18m wide. Within what angle must a player hit the ball in order to land on the green from a position 215m from the green?
The angle of a cone is 35.4 degrees. Determine the diameter of the cone at a poiint on the face 22cm from the vertex.
1 answer