A golf ball is struck from the ground with an initial velocity of 45 m/s at an angle of

25 degrees. It then returns to the ground.
a) What are the x- and y-components of the initial velocity of the golf ball?
b) How long is the golf ball in the air?
c) What is the horizontal displacement of the golf ball?

2 answers

a) x-component is ... 45 m/s * cos(25º)
... y-component is ... 45 m/s * sin(25º)

b) time up equals time down ... flight time = 2 * {[45 m/s * sin(25º)] / g}

c) horizontal displacement = flight time * 45 m/s * cos(25º)
A golf ball was struck with an initial velocity of 17 m/s at an angle of 55°. Find the horizontal velocity component.