A girl is celebrating her seventh birthday. Each guest is served one large slice of chocolate cake, a hamburger, French fries, and some oranges.

Identify the food groups mentioned above.

If one slice of chocolate cake contains 35g of carbohydrate, 15g of fat and 5g of protein, calculate the kilocalories that each slice of cake contains.

Identify all the food groups that form a part of a balanced diet along with their sources.

1 answer

#1. If you are in a nutrition course I assume you can name the food groups. Frankly, I think the problem needs restructuring. For example, french fries are carbohydrates from the potato BUT since they were fried they also contain fat.
#2. Do I remember correctly that carbohydrates and protein are about 4 kcal/g and fat is about 9 kcal/g. If those aren't exactly, correct them and do the following:
35 x 4 = ?? kcal from carbs.
15 x 9 = ?? kcal from fat.
5 x 4 = ?? kcal from protein.
Add them for the total.

#3 I'll leave for you. This should be in your text and or notes.