from the phenotypes, it is apparent that short is dominant to long, and black is dominant to brown.
ss BlBl x ll Br Br
sl Bl Br
Sl Bl Br
these are the two genotypes in Cross A, all have the same phenotype (short, Black)
Cross B.
Sl Bl Br x Sl Bl Br
ss Bl Bl
ss Br Br
ss Br Bl
Sl Bl Bl
Sl Bl Br
Sl Br Br
ll Bl Br
ll Bl Bl
ll Br Br
Can you figure it now? It is making each possible combination of
each gene
A girl crossed a pure short, black haired animal with a pure long, brown haired individual (cross A). The F1 consisted of 10 individuals who had all the same phenotypes. She interbred this F1 generation (cross B) and counted the offspring, which consisted of 160 guinea pigs with the following phenotypes: 91 with short, black hair
29 with short, brown hair
28 with long, black hair and 12 with long, brown hair.
Show cross A and give the results.
Show cross B and in doing so give the phenotypes and genotypes the breeder obtained.
1 answer