A furniture store receives an invoice dated Sept. 27 for 5 bedroom sets at $3,000 each. The invoice indicated a trade discount of 5/8/3. The seller of the furniture prepaid the freight of $200. Terms were 2/10 EOM. Assuming Mel pays on Nov. 2, what amount would be paid. (Be sure to include the freight cost.)
2 answers
Discount: I don't know what 5/8/3 means.
A furniture store receives an invoice dated Sept. 27 for 5 bedroom sets at $3,000 each. The invoice indicated a trade discount of 5/8/3. The seller of the furniture prepaid the freight of $200. Terms were 2/10 EOM. Assuming Mel pays on Nov. 2, what amount would be paid. (Be sure to include the freight cost.)