A food chain is part of a bigger system called a food web. That web links the living things in an ecosystem. The herbivores in that system depend on the plants. If the plants are removed, the herbivores cannot survive. Then the carnivores, the animals that eat other animals, lose their food, too.
Remove just one kind of plant from an environment and you disrupt the food web. Plow up the land and you destroy the whole system. The problem was there were more and more people and less and less natural habitats. The timeline shows how the population of Chicago people changed:
• 1880: Population of the city is 503,185; farms continue to expand
• 1890: Population of the city is 1,099,850
• 1900: Population is 1,698,676
• 1910: Factories expand in the city; population is 2,185,283
• 1920: City population has grown to 2,701,705
• 1930: City population is 3,376,438
We know that this excerpt is Nonfiction because
A. it presents facts and a timeline
B.it has an omniscient point of view
C.it does includes the narrator as a character in the story
D.it includes dialogue
Answer: A
The history of transportation is very long and full of changes and inventions. It starts with walking, which is not any invention; it just takes energy. People used to walk to get to other places. If you wanted to get somewhere quickly the only way to do that was to run. Actually, the first invention for transportation probably was the shoe. Centuries ago there were no shoes, people walked barefoot.
Then people invented ways to transport themselves and materials from one place to another. In some cultures, people invented sledges, which are a kind of board that you drag along the ground. You can tie things on the sledge to help carry them, but it’s a challenging invention since if you hit a rock with the sledge as you pull it, the contents can slip off. In other cultures, people invented the wheel, which they used to make it easier to move things — and people. That was the beginning of many innovations in transportation.
How can we change this piece of Nonfiction to a Fictional story? )
A.Include subheadings to organize the key details
B.Add a character and a plot that includes the character facing the conflict of inventing a new mode of transportation
C.Change the point of view to 1st person and include feelings and emotions
D.Include a first-hand account of what it was like to live without the wheel
Answer: B or A ? I was thinking B?
1Most people go about their lives without giving much thought to the origins of the words they use. Many words people use today trace their origins to words from the past. Words change over time, and new words are constantly added to existing languages. The many foreign words and foreign roots used in the English language come from different sections of the world. Traveling, trading, and communicating with foreign citizens has altered the English language, as well as other languages around the world.
2Although most of the English words people currently use have been part of the English language for hundreds of years, some words come from other languages. Some of these foreign words have changed over time. Other words in English have been adopted directly from other languages and remain unchanged from their original forms.
3Many English words—even words related to everyday activities—have foreign origins. For example, some words relating to the activity of boating come from other languages. The word schooner, which is a type of sailing ship, came from the Dutch language. Many nautical terms have Dutch origins because the Dutch were traders and merchants who sailed around the world, peddling their goods. The word gondola, which is a type of boat, is originally an Italian word. English speakers sometimes call boat races “regattas.” The word regatta comes from the Italian word regata. In France, in the United States, and in some other countries, it is a tradition to wish contestants bon chance, which means "good luck," before they start a race.
If this article were changed from an expository essay to a personal narrative, how would the style and form of the passage change?
A. The personal narrative would have far more statistical analysis and experimentation detailed within it.
B. A personal narrative would mention the author's personal travels and use the pronoun "I" to describe personal experiences.
C. The personal narrative would build a stronger argument by lining up evidence in a more structured and rhetorically effective way.
D. There would be no significant stylistic or formal changes to the structure of the article if it were changed to a personal narrative.
Answer: I'm lost.
1 answer
The third question is B.