A florist has 36 roses, 27 tulips, and 18 carnations she must use to create bouquets. Each bouquet must have an equal number of each type of flower as the other bouquets. What is the largest number of bouquets she can make without having any flowers left over? How many roses will be in each bouquet? How many tulips will be in each bouquet? How many carnations will be in each bouquet?

3 answers

To determine the largest number of bouquets she can make without having any flowers left over, we need to find the greatest common divisor of the number of each type of flower:

GCD(36, 27, 18) = 9

So, she can make a maximum of 9 bouquets.

To find out how many roses will be in each bouquet, we divide the total number of roses by the number of bouquets:

36 roses ÷ 9 bouquets = 4 roses per bouquet

So, there will be 4 roses in each bouquet.

Similarly, for tulips:

27 tulips ÷ 9 bouquets = 3 tulips per bouquet

So, there will be 3 tulips in each bouquet.

And for carnations:

18 carnations ÷ 9 bouquets = 2 carnations per bouquet

So, there will be 2 carnations in each bouquet.
I apologize for any confusion caused. Let me recalculate the solution.

To determine the largest number of bouquets she can make without having any flowers left over, we need to find the greatest common divisor of the number of each type of flower:

GCD(36, 27, 18) = 9

So, she can make a maximum of 9 bouquets.

To find out how many roses will be in each bouquet, we divide the total number of roses by the number of bouquets:

36 roses ÷ 9 bouquets = 4 roses per bouquet

So, there will be 4 roses in each bouquet.

Similarly, for tulips:

27 tulips ÷ 9 bouquets = 3 tulips per bouquet

So, there will be 3 tulips in each bouquet.

And for carnations:

18 carnations ÷ 9 bouquets = 2 carnations per bouquet

So, there will be 2 carnations in each bouquet.

Therefore, the largest number of bouquets she can make without having any flowers left over is 9. Each bouquet will have 4 roses, 3 tulips, and 2 carnations.