[350g H2O x specific heat H2O x (70-25)]+[mass steam x (heat vap)] + [mass H2O from steam x specific heat H2O x (70-100)] = 0
Solve for x = mass steam
The only unknown in that equation is mass steam and mass H2O from steam. I would let them = y and plug in the other numbers and solve for y. I think the answer will surprise you; i.e., less than you might think.
A flask was immersed in 350 g of water at 25 degrees C. Steam at 100 degrees C was passed into this flask, and eventually condensed into water at 100 degrees C. If the temperature of the water surrounding the flask was raised to 70 degrees C, how many grams of steam must have condensed? (Assume that the condensed water remains at 100 degree C) (Specific heat of water: 4.184 J/g*C, H vap: 40.7 kJ/mol)
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