X = 30*cos(70) = -15.8
Y = 30*sin(70) + 50*sin(10) = 58.2
Distance = sqrt(15.8^2 + 58.2^2) = 62.6 miles
Bearing = arctan(-15.8/58.2) = -25.3 degrees (measured east from north)
A fisherman leaves his home port and heads in the direction N 70 degree W. He travels 30 mi and reaches Egg Island. The next day he sails N 10 degree E for 50 mi, reaching Forrest Island.
a) Find the distance between the fisherman's home port and Forrest Island.
b) Find the bearing from Forrest Island back to his home port.
I got part (a) right. It is 62.6 miles. But I don't understand how to find the bearing. Please help. Thanks.
Compute separately the total distance travelled in the x (east) and y (north) directions. Call them X and Y
The total distance travelled is sqrt(X^2+Y^2)
The bearing (neasured east from north) is
arctan X/Y
1 answer