The bucket experiences three forces:
(1) its weight, W = 615*9.8 = 6027 N down
(2) air resistance Fx, horizontal
(3) cable tension T
Write two force balance equations:
W = T cos 35.2
Fx = T sin 35.2
from which T can be eliminated, to give
Fx/W = tan 35.2 = 0.705
Solve for Fx
The length of the cable does not matter.
A fire helicopter carries a 615 kg bucket of water at the end of a cable 19.5 m long. As the aircraft flies back from a fire at a constant speed of 40.5 m/s, the cable makes an angle of 35.2o with respect to the vertical. Calculate the force of air resistance on the bucket
4 answers
thanks a lot. that really helped.
Thankyou! I had same problem type but different numbers & all but this really helped! thankss.