A few years ago the population of male blue moon butterflies on the island of Samoa declined. One hypothesis for the decline of the male butterflies is that a parasite infected the cells of female butterflies. The parasite was passed to offspring through the females’ eggs and killed the male butterfly embryos. At one point during the decline, nearly all the butterflies in the population were females, but after five years the number of males in the population increased significantly.
Which explanation most likely accounts for the increase in teh number of mae butterflies in the five years after the initial paracite problem?
A Male butterflies in the population that survived were able to prey on the parasites living in the females’ egg cells.
B Female butterflies in the population that survived had a genetic adaptation that allowed them to transform into male butterflies.
C Male butterflies in the population that survived had a gene that made them resistant to the parasite, and they passed the gene on to their offspring. ****
D Female butterflies in the population that survived were able to protect the male eggs from the parasite and provide extra care for the male offspring.
I believe the answer is C, but I'm not sure. Please Help!!!
4 answers
God bless you Ms. Sue.