A Ferris wheel is 50 meters in diameter
amplitude is 25, so
y = 25sin(kt)+k
The boarding platform is 1 meter from the ground, so the axle is 26 feet up
y = 26+25sin(kt)
The period is 6 minutes, so
2π/k = 6 ==> k = π/3
y = 26+25sin(π/3 t)
If we assume that at t=0 we are boarding, then that's the minimum value, so we ought to use a cosine function:
y = 26 - 25cos(π/3 t)
so now, just solve
26 - 25cos(π/3 t) = 44
and figure the interval when y is above that line.
A Ferris wheel is 50 meters in diameter and boarded from a platform that is 1 meters above the ground. The six o'clock position on the Ferris wheel is level with the loading platform. The wheel completes 1 full revolution in 6 minutes. How many minutes of the ride are spent higher than 44 meters above the ground?
4 answers
radius = 25
height of center = 26
T is angle from vertical
height = 26 + 25 cos T
44 = 26 + 25 cos T
25 cos T = 18
cos T = .72
T = 44 degrees from vertical
so 88 degrees out of 360 are above 44 meters
(88/360)6 = 1.47 minutes
height of center = 26
T is angle from vertical
height = 26 + 25 cos T
44 = 26 + 25 cos T
25 cos T = 18
cos T = .72
T = 44 degrees from vertical
so 88 degrees out of 360 are above 44 meters
(88/360)6 = 1.47 minutes