f = 1 REV / 5 min = 0.2 REV / min =
0.2 RPM = 0.2 Cycles / min. =Frequency.
Y = 35 Sin(360*f*t).
The amplitude (Y) should be max (35) at 1.25 minutes. Let's check it out!
Y = 35 * Sin (360*0.2*1.25) = 35 meters
Some sources use 2pi Radians instead of
360 deg.
A ferris wheel is 35 meters in diameter,and can be boarded at ground level. The wheel turns in a counterclokcwise direction, completing one full revolution every 5 minutes. Suppose that a t=0 you are in the three o'clock position. Write a formula, using the sine function for your height above ground after t minutes on the ferris wheel.
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