First, you try it for 5 days,
1 day = 2, total = 2
2 day = 2.2 = 4, total = 6
3 = 2.2.2 = 8, total = 14
4 = = 16, total = 30
5 = = 32, total = 62
You will note that the total is the same as the next-day's amount less two, i.e. to get the total of each day, you need to double the day's amount and subtract two.
So far so good. We have just concluded that the the amount for the nth day is 2n, and the total up to that day is 2n+1-2.
So on the hundredth day, the total would be 2101-2.
You can leave it in the above (exponent) form. If your teacher insists in getting a numeric answer, continue.
To calculate 2101 - 2, you have many options,
1. Starting with 1, multiply by two 101 times (and subtract 2).
2. A shorter way is to start with 1, square 5 times to get 232, write down the number. Square again to get 264. Multiply by 232, which results in 296. Multiply this by 25=32 to get 2101 and don't forget to subtract 2.
3. The third and simplest way is to use your calculator, if one that has 30 digits of accuracy is available.
The answer is
2101-2 = 2535301200456458802993406410750
a farmer is rewarded for saving the king. he can either get 1000 gold bars up front or payment over time for 100 days which begins at 2 gold bars the first day, 4 the second, 8 the third, 16 the fourth, and so on. which one should he choose and why. Show how you got the answer? i know that the second choice is best i just don't know how to do the math to see how much it will be in 100 days.
2 answers
For verification purposes,
264=18446744073709551616, and
264=18446744073709551616, and