A dunction is continious on the closed interval [-3,3] such that of f(-3)=4 and f(3)=1. The functions F' anf F'' have the properties shown below
Ok there's supposed to be a table but you cant really see it
F'(x) is positive
F''(X) is positive
f'(x)and f''(x) failed to exist
f'(x) is negative
f''(x) is positive
F'(x) and f''(x) are 0
1<x<3 f'(x) and f''(x) are negative
a) what are the x-coordinates of all the absolute maxes and minimu points of f on the inerval [-3,3] Justify your answer
b)what are the x-coordinateds of all points of inflection of f on the interval [-3,3]? Justify your answer