A diode is made up of two semiconductor materials, typically doped silicon or germanium, that are sandwiched together to form a P-N junction. The P-side of the diode is positively charged, while the N-side is negatively charged.
When a positive voltage is applied to the P-side and a negative voltage is applied to the N-side, it creates an electric field across the junction that allows current to flow through the diode. This is known as forward bias.
Conversely, when a negative voltage is applied to the P-side and a positive voltage is applied to the N-side, the electric field prevents current from flowing through the diode. This is known as reverse bias.
By controlling the direction of the voltage applied to the diode, it can be used to regulate the flow of current in a circuit and act as a one-way valve, allowing current to flow in only one direction.
A diode is an electronic device that allows current to flow through in one direction. Describe how this characteristic is achieved.
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