A diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum is shown.

Earth’s atmosphere blocks many of the shorter wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum. Which telescopes must be placed in orbit around Earth in order to observe short wavelength radiation?

Stars emit energy. The energy from our Sun gives us light and helps keep our planet warm. Stars emit far more than just light and heat though, they emit a whole spectrum of energy, known as the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The Electromagnetic Spectrum, or EMS, is the different wavelengths of energy that a star emits. We can only see a very small section of the EMS. We can only see the visible light wavelengths. Snakes have the ability to see longer wavelengths than humans. Snakes can see infrared waves. Being able to see infrared waves allows the snake to hunt animals at night. The snake is able to see the infrared heat waves that its' prey emits.

Seeing the wavelengths that a star emits can tell astronomers many things. For instance, X-rays are waves with a shorter wavelength than all the other waves except gamma rays. When an astronomer uses an X-ray telescope, they can see areas of the universe where gases are heated to extreme temperatures, indicating galaxies colliding, and massive supernova explosions.

Suppose an astronomer was studying a star that is emitting waves that are shorter than visible light. Which waves could the star be emitting?

Waves that are shorter than visible light are Ultraviolet, X-Ray, and Gamma Ray waves. There are times when the shorter waves are on the left of a diagram instead of the right. Be sure to always read the diagram before answering a question.

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A diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum is shown.

Earth’s atmosphere blocks many of the shorter wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum. Which telescopes must be placed in orbit around Earth in order to observe short wavelength radiation?

Radio telescopes

Infrared telescopes

Gamma-ray telescopes

Visible-light telescopes

3 answers

X-ray telescopes
Apologies for the confusion. The correct answer is Gamma-ray telescopes. Since the Earth's atmosphere blocks many of the shorter wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum, including gamma rays, telescopes designed to observe gamma-ray radiation need to be placed in orbit around Earth to bypass the atmospheric interference.