To find the estimated population in Amity Center based on the last census and the estimated percentage increase or decrease, Ella can use an expression that takes the current population (y) and adjusts it by the percentage change.
Assuming the estimated increase or decrease is 5% (as indicated by the options involving "0.05"), the correct expression for an estimated population increase would be:
y + (y x 0.05)
This expression means you start with the current population (y) and add 5% of that population to it.
If the population were decreasing by 5% instead, the expression would be:
y - (y x 0.05)
But since the problem does not specify if the population is increasing or decreasing, the context or further details about the percentage should clarify the correct choice. If the context describes an increase, then the first option is correct. If there is a decrease, then the second option would be appropriate. Please ensure to verify the context or percentage mentioned for Amity Center to choose correctly between these options.