A copper sheet of thickness 2.01 mm is bonded to a steel sheet of thickness 1.07 mm. The outside surface of the copper sheet is held at a temperature of 100.0°C and the steel sheet at 22.9°C.

a) Determine the temperature (in °C) of the copper-steel interface.

b) How much heat is conducted through 1.00 m2 of the combined sheets per secon

3 answers

WEll, heat flows from the outside of the steel to the outside of the copper.

You need the thermal conductivity coefficents for steel, and copper. I will use Cs, and Cc for those coefficents.

Assume Ti for the temperature of the interface.

And finally, you know the heat moving across the steel is the same as heat moving across the copper.


solve for Ti check my work.
A copper sheet of thickness 2.49 mm is bonded to a steel sheet of thickness 1.51 mm. The outside surface of the copper sheet is held at a temperature of 100.0°C and the steel sheet at 24.1°C.