A complete answer will include the following information.

. Identify which group maintained power after independence and which powers were maintained
. Identify the system South Africa adopted after independence
. Name at least four specific limitations or things this system forbade
Use the information below to compose a short essay answer consisting of three to four sentences. Be sure to use complete sentences with proper punctuation. Include Social Studies key and vocabulary terms.
Apartheid in South Africa. South Africa gained independence from Britain in 1910. However the white minority kept political and economic power for themselves. In 1948 they adopted apartheid a former South African policy of strict separation of races. Apartheid laws limited where Black people could live, work, travel, go to school, and receive medical care. Black South Africans could not vote or marry people of different races. Many people inside and beyond South Africa believed apartheid was wrong. Protests within the country were often met with police violence. The government jailed leaders of groups like African National Congress (ANC) a political party that worked for Black civil rights

1 answer

After gaining independence in 1910, the white minority in South Africa maintained political and economic power. In 1948, they implemented apartheid, a system of strict racial segregation. Apartheid laws limited where Black people could live, work, travel, go to school, and receive medical care. Additionally, Black South Africans were denied the right to vote and marry people of different races. This oppressive system faced criticism both within and outside of South Africa, leading to protests and advocacy for change by organizations like the African National Congress (ANC).